Income forecast model

  • Practice
  • Team

1 Project Manager, 1 Data Scientist, 1 Data Ingeneer

  • Technical environment
3 months
forecast improvment
reduction of the bench
support function stopped
  • A consulting company is dependent on the market and the economic health of its sectors to ensure the sustainability of its consulting investments. Seasonal trends and market fluctuations, as well as the loss or acquisition of customers, can have a significant impact on revenues
  • The company does not have the management tools needed to anticipate demand, and therefore to project future revenues 
  • The variability of projects can also make forecasting difficult, given their differing duration, size and complexity
  • Precise modeling is required
  • Internal data with a 7-year history is available, including current contracts, hourly rates and past billings. Once this data has been consolidated, it needs to be prepared and explored to understand its relationships, before building, validating and implementing a robust predictive regression model to predict future revenues for a given period
  • The unique use of the Dataiku tool enabled us to develop the entire solution, from data transfer to the output of an interactive dashboard providing monthly analysis and prediction
  • In particular, the study has given them greater peace of mind about their financial health. Having only a past and present vision, the tool now enables them to better apprehend their future.
  • As a result, they are now able to :
    • Better manage their resources
    • Facilitate budget planning
    • Make more informed decisions
    • Improve cash flow management
    • Better negotiate contracts with their customers
    • Maintain a competitive edge by responding better to customer and market needs