- Power BI was chosen to replace the previous visualization and reporting tools (Qlik and Microstrategy) above SAP HANA. To avoid service disruptions, the group had to recast most of the sales and marketing reports in a very short time (+140, +10 cubes).
- The functional renewal of As Is must integrate the evolution needs, by involving the business lines and covering the backlog of outstanding requests
- The maturity and high expectations of the business lines have led the IT Department to set up a strong BI Self Service support organization.

- Iterative UI/UX workshops to develop the user experience on Power BI
- Business workshops to collect information on data sources and business rules to create semantic layers and dictionary.
- Re-engineering of data models and calculated measures ; monitoring of PBI resources
- Implementation of APP Power BI for massive and systematic distribution of rich reports
- Participation in the development of IT Best Practices (DataSet vision) and BI Self-Service enduser (DataViz, Reporting & Sharing)
- Development of the "Agile" culture within the ITS Analytics Department for the development of reports with business involvement
- The implementation of the mandatory guidelines of the Power BI report delivery plan has improved the speed and quality of continuous deliveries. They have enabled the deployment in less than 2 days, of reports developed by an offshore agency that previously required 2 weeks
- Well-governed Self-Service has changed the way the business views its responsibility to control corporate documents